Wednesday, May 7, 2008

RSS Feeds indeed

I have been trialling the new way to use the Web by subscribing via RSS feeder. The Google Reader is pretty cool and is very easy to use. I try to subscribe to Jon Faine's "Conversation hour" via the ABC webpage and it was a complete disaster. I am not sure who designs and maintains the ABC site but it's very cumbersome and hard to navigate, maybe Rudd can give them some more money to hire a decent webdesigner who knows what he's doing.

Anyway, I manged to subscribe to Jon Faine's Conversation Hour using the Google reader and it worked a treat.

Don't worry I haven't forgotten to sunscribe to couple of other blogs about libraries. The question now is, is there any way to ling my subscriptions to my blog? Can anyone help?


Volvo said...

Now now, Dr Who you must admit, did come in handy? That's okay. But wait till I update, you aint' seen nothing yet!

Pie Tragic said...

Great to see you becoming active again Volvo!

Disgraceful said...

Hi Pie Tragic - setting up RSS feeds in Outlook is a little more work, but saves having yet another screen open.

Hopefully there will already by an RSS feed folder in your mailbox. Click on the folder and Outlook gives you a nice information screen, but to get the real instructions, you need to click on the 'How to add an RSS feed' link which shows up in blue.

It's a little more cumbersome but I felt it was worth it !!

Good luck